星期三, 3月 23, 2011


我那位神線朋友(故事開頭在這裡)上星期四打電話給我後, 隔天跟我說冰風雪後面的端子稍大, 他的喇叭線夾子必須從中間的洞穿進去, Ayre告訴他這"不是最佳狀況". He is deeply concerned.

How deeply? 我介紹他Supra喇叭端子. 很漂亮吧. 一組$60. 這如果我中了六合彩可能會考慮購買. 結果他星期五訂, 付overnight & Saturday delivery, 要星期六送到. $60 x 2 + $1xx delivery. 一組喇叭端子花了七千塊台幣. That's how deeply he is concerned.

I am a management consultant. 凡是講究邏輯分析, 習慣了以後, 不管是幫客戶解決一個幾百萬美金的採購案跟楊聲器製作, 腦中的思考邏輯都是類似的.

首先, "不是最佳狀況" - very lame. What does this mean? Nothing - it doesn't say if this makes any audible difference. 因為回答的人也不知道. So the interpretation is up to my friend.

對John來說, 這組神線比冰風雪還貴. 當人的信仰改變, 花這麼大筆錢買了之後, 觀念已經改變了. 好聽不好聽不重要, 心理的沮喪是無法接受的. 所以他的瘋狂行為is understandable. I also fully expect that he will tell me the new binding posts "sound better". Human psychology plays a major role here.

Furthermore, I will retain my "expert" position. Because I introduced him a product that "sounds better".
